Sunday, February 7, 2010


Why is it that when I try to run from my fears, that I end up running into something that I fear even more.

Why is it that when I try to make justice and peace, my world becomes more unjust and less peaceful.

Why is it that when I try to be kind and friendly, that is the time when I meet the worst social devils.

Why is it that I can be so nice and so mean to the same person and visa-versa.

Why is it that when people flatter and compliment me, I don't want to hear it; but when they don't, I long to hear anything.

Why is it that fleeing from evil can end up leading you straight to a greater evil.

Why is it that the Christians act like heathens and the heathens live like Christians.

Why is it that everyone attacks the good in a way to defeat it, but leaves the bad alone.

Why is it that people prefer to bring someone down rather than to build them up.

Why is it that I can try so hard and accomplish nothing, but then not make any attempt at something and succeed.

Why is it that having a purpose is a good thing even though sometimes we believe they are impossible.

Why is it that the world is so corrupt and cruel, that people see meekness as weakness.

Why is it that in this world sin and evil reigns, but in the end they will be destroyed forever.

Why is it that your best friend can be your worst enemy when you least expect it.

Why is it that jealousy can ruin the lives of two people; the one who is jealous, and the one who is envied.

Why is it that doing the right thing is difficult and it receives the least reward, but doing the wrong thing is easy and generally accepted.

Why is it that the truth is tough to come by, and when we hear it, we don't easily want to believe it.

Why is it that pain can motivate and change a person, but usually after they taste the sting of pain.

Why is it that I seek perfection, but disapprove of people who are perfectionists and desire to make flaws.

Why is it that my reputation means so much to me, and that is the very thing that gets attacked.

Why is it that when people make assumptions, they trick their self into believing them.

Why is it that there are countless unanswered questions in the world when there are suitable people to answer them.

Why is it that people disrespect one another and then expect to be respected by those who the disrespected.

Why is it that healthy people die and sick people live; and that young children die and aging adults prosper.

Why is it that people believe that abortion is not wrong, and that they deny murder consciously.

Why is it that people lack knowledge and refuse to know anything that would alter their personal decisions.

Why is it that the uneducated mock and disregard the educated while the educated are drained from helping them.

Why is it that the conscience convicts a person, but it's not enough to change them.

Why is it that smart and perfect people cannot understand the suffering that the mentally feeble live with daily.

Why is it that the people who are falling apart appear to be the most put together.

Why is it that distractions are a bad thing, but they appear good when they are first introduced.

Why is it that a person can hate without a definite reason - can that impression of hate actually be hate.

Why is it that men can sleep around and defile a dozen women, but then expect to have a virgin wife be forever faithful to them.

Why is it that people can hate children and conscientiously forget that they were once a child years ago.

Why is it that I can see the answer so clearly, but be unable to make others understand my mind.

Why is it that I can know that people are jealous of me, and allow it to cripple my life.

Why is it that I am more comfortable with being rejected then accepted.

Why is it that I can defend something I'm fighting against because of the way my own people are making foolish judgments.

Why is it that people complain and worry when they should put their energy into solving the problem.

Why is it that people can be cunningly sarcastic without caring if it hurts or affects anyone.

Why is it that I know how to motivate people to do great things, but I struggle to get motivated.

Why is it that people expect so much or so little of a person depending on their perception of them.

Why is it that people stereotype the quiet person as bad, but they are actually the only ones who are quiet enough to listen.

Why is it that we can get ourselves into a bigger mess when we are trying to flee from an issue.

Why is it that when we need to be cheered up that people decide to bring us down even lower.

Why is it that the warmest person can have the coldest heart and shoulder and make use of both.

Why is it that I'm here to disappoint you and you are the ones who have been disappointing me.

Why is it that the mean people have the same face, but different bodies.

Why is it that we can see our problems in others, but not in ourselves.

Why is it that we say we love when we really hate.

Why is it that we show more kindness to people that are intolerable than to the people we find tolerable.

Why is it that a person can give up when they are so close to finishing.

Why is it that we can look and judge on the outside when the inside is what truly matters.

Why is it that we can flatter to control and manipulate people who are better than ourselves.

Why is it that we are utterly confused but express our confusion to others as truth.

Why is it that we believe our enemies and make them as friends.

Why is it that we allow people to concur and destroy wonderful things.

Why is it that we pollute the pure and regret being polluted.

Why is it that I find myself writing these questions when I already know the answers.

Why is it that I know the answers, but do not apply them.

Why is it that I brag and then feel a deep disgust for myself afterward.

Why is it that people always have to one-up you.

Why is it that we have trigger words and succumb to their irritation and affect.

Why is it that we have deep dark secrets and then openly share them.

Why is it that people believe me when I'm blatantly fibbing and then think I'm sarcastic when the truth is shared.

Why is it that people don't think and expect others to think for them.

Why is it that many seek to destroy what is good and build up what is bad.

Why is it that I can wear my best poker face when I'm actually crying inside.

Why is it that we can hold a grudge and refuse to let it go.

Why is it that we believe things that are bogus and that cannot possible occur.

Why is it that I cure my love obsessions with finding the fault of the ones I secretly adore.

Why is it that people always use the same set of compliments and are absent of variance.

Why is it that the person who understands me the most is not meant to be my lifelong partner.

Why is it that a person can inspire to aspire but still lack inspiration.

Why is it that people judge and criticize without full knowledge.

Why is it that we are judged more for our reaction to praise than to critique.

Why is it that many people live hopeless lives, but will not accept hope when it is offered to them.

Why is it that we all remember our tragedies but fall into them again and again.

Why is it that dreams are more interesting than life but rarely realistic.

Why is it that people lie and the lie that they didn't lie.

Why is it that people can become very depressed but enjoy their state of misery.

Why is it that we waste our lives making our lives shorter than they were meant to be.

Why is it that I break so many hearts without touching them.

Why is it that I like how new pain takes old and annoying pains away.

Why is it that some things that are minuscule hurt much more than gigantic things.

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