Monday, September 6, 2010


Last night I had a dream about today
So far everything is falling into play
The time on the clock has ticked away
I'm still sitting on my chair in dismay

I haven't written a poem in so long
My words feel like they don't belong
Often I question if they are wrong
In the end my words come out strong

The dream I had has now come true
It was so strange and hard to construe
Especially that every minute held a clue
Now comes the time to finish this queue

Thursday, August 12, 2010


It's for the better if I keep quiet
If I don't say anyting
You'll never know

If I share my thoughts I'll start a riot
Only trouble that would bring
Like long ago

Since then I've been on this verbal diet
To not let my ill words sting
And end all woe

Thursday, July 22, 2010


She's painfully confused
And feels a little used
She's sure she's been mislead
For this is what she dreads

The emotions swirl around
Pushing her to the ground
She throws away the doubt
And goes another route

Her mind is still consumed
That this relationship is doomed
The thought breaks her heart
And then she starts to fall apart

She falls to her knees
As her heart gives a squeeze
She tries to hold it all in
But there's no way she can win

A flood of tears start to flow
Down her cheek and to her toe
Her heart is now sepulchral
The shine inside is now dull

Tears still fall from her eyes
Waiting as each tear dries
She mourns with deep groans
Of only unspeakable tones

She wants it all to stop
For the memories to flop
To forget about this death
Of emotions and breath

It seems pointless to care
If they aren't even aware
She's knows it's not in vain
When she makes it plain

She knows he's not the one
But seams can't be left undone
One day they'll be repaired
And he'll know that she cared

Monday, July 12, 2010


Oh, how I wish I wasn't nice 
One time I hated being nice 
It's true
It can make me miserable
When people aren't amiable
Niceness still fakes out of my life
All it does is add ugly strife
Me and myself with no other
To go battle with eachother

Monday, July 5, 2010


If a person really wants it
They'll ask twice
Even thrice

It doesn't matter what it is
They will taunt
If they want

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Vomit pours out of your mouth
Your words cut like knives
I have lost all respect for you
Fretting is all that you do
Fussing about every little thing
You honestly disgust me

You cause unrest in the home
Making people angry all the time
All you do is talk and talk
While never saying anything at all
You've become the biggest fool
There's no love in your heart

Whatever happened to you
Is not what matters most
It's how you respond to it
Stop your sickening complaints
Terminate your ugly attitude
Slay the wickedness in your heart

Monday, June 28, 2010


I write to the audience of none
Sometimes I do it just for the fun
Making it easy to be outdone

Often I use words just for the rhyme
Hoping that they fit in with the time
Perhaps they also might even chime

The words I write come from how I feel
There's nothing that I have to conceal
Even the things that are not ideal

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Life is really unfair
People don't often care
They just stand there and stare
Thinking you're unaware
All the more in despair

People think about self
And put you on the shelf
Like a little old elf
All alone by himself
You still think of yourself

It's really quite silly
Just like a wet willie
No point in it really
Fair is seen ideally
Not understood fully


Everyone is a liar
I don't care what you say
Shut it

Everyone is deceitful
I could deceive you now

Everyone can be a jerk
Just think about yourself
For real

Everyone has been impure
One way or another
It's true

Everyone is pretty dumb
Even if you're Einstein
Just think

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


The golden sky has caught my eye
A bright new sight full of delight
Where has it been hidden from men
For all these years against our fears

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Please don't think that all these poems are about you
It will make me miserable if you do
Sharing you this truth has been long overdue
Prepare yourself so that you don't become blue

The feelings that are felt when some poems are born
Are meant to be forgotten and viewed with scorn
Because they came from feeling very forlorn
Like a rip in my heart from a poisoned thorn

Some things are meant to be forgotten and die
These poems hold feelings that I cannot deny
There's no point to hide the truth from you and lie
You must be careful about what I imply

Start to think thoroughly before it's too late
My two favorite numbers are four and eight
In the end most everything does relate
Just be certain that we are all thinking straight

If you have any questions please ask me now
Disregard the time and think about the how
Contemplate what you plant and know what you plow
Perhaps one day I will take the marriage vow

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Anger only causes more problems
Making the situation far worse
Even if just one person condemns
It casts out a heavy burdened curse

Be kind to the people who help you
Don't ever treat them like useless trash
Your kindness is always overdue
Thank the people for sharing their stash

Never reject peoples ideas
It will only make them reject yours
Listen to their lakes, rivers, and seas
Then bring them back to your open shores


There is no love without a risk
Like playing Frisbee with a disc
Or mixing batter with a whisk

Taking a risk is not easy
It's nothing like the fantasy
And that makes me very queasy

It's always worth it in the end
To go against the standard trend
Love is something you can't pretend

If it's real it always shines through
Which shows if you don't or you do
Love is often hard to construe


Love and true love are different and quite trite
True love doesn't happen to everyone
Love has as much power as a flashlight
True love holds all the power of the sun

It is a shame that love can become stale
When it could be transformed into true love
Where the zealous love would always prevail
True love is something you can't let go of

What is the purpose of love or true love
To cause broken hearts or selfish motives
Or could they be a blessing from above
That all depends on what each one believes

Monday, June 14, 2010


The woman that you truly love
You will never ever sleep with
She's the one you think a lot of
Your mind has created a myth

There's a lot that I need to say
But I'm waiting for the right time
In the meantime I will just pray
That God will help me on the dime

Monday, May 31, 2010


Comfort the inflicted
Inflict the comforted
Change things up little
Eat some peanut brittle
Give some time to the poor
Open wide your front door


A woman of inferior birth
Living among the people of earth
How much more can this one girl be worth

She's a bit eccentric and playful
Always trying to tease you and pull
Never ever raging like a bull

It's her way to be merry and bright
At no time looking for a mere fight
Taking moments to sit down and write

Now she shares about her only life
Spreading it like butter from a knife
Opened up are the ties of past strife

Sunday, May 30, 2010


The response I have is my own
I took it way too personal
It's honestly because I care
Perhaps a little bit too much

I want to make my feelings known
But I am way too cynical
Now I have made you all aware
Get in the car and pull the clutch

Lets drive these feelings to the zone
Where we can't ever be carnal
Give these feelings one final glare
Out of reach and way out of touch

Thursday, May 27, 2010


The pain inside my head
It aches and causes dread
Hoping for it to explode
I lay back and sing an ode
Make this pressure leave
It's about time for relief
Noise, light, or motion
Adds to the commotion
Please make this all stop
My spirits will drop
Plug my ears to make less
Inside there must be a mess
Brains weren't make to hurt like this
Could it leave with a small kiss
Stop this beating on my brain
How will it have any gain


The biggest mistake you'll ever make
Will be when you fall in love with me
Leave now before your heart starts to ache
Take your heart so that you can be free

It's guaranteed that I'll break your heart
Then slowly you'll fall apart one day
Never knowing that is was my dart
We should all be more smart in this way

Guarding the heart that makes us believe
That there is still a chance of true love
Unless we choose to make romance leave
We often give it one final shove

Don't make this silly mistake again
Relationships can make people cry
Finish your prayers and then say amen
Love leaves you high and then dumps you dry

Friday, May 21, 2010


Your attention can be addicting
But it's absolutely afflicting
This is because it is conflicting
With everything you are depicting
There is one thing I am predicting
You are going to be restricting
To the point of being convicting

I can't imagine what you're planning
Please make it extremely enchanting
Around the room I will be scanning
Looking for people that need tanning
Their wishes I will then start granting
After I finish the vast banning
I will relax with dulcet fanning


Having a lot of friends
Is like having no friends at all
Quantity is like a conversion number
It cancels everything out

Relationships have ends
It's always sad to see them fall
Quietly we all slip into a slumber
Where we glumly start to doubt


I hate when I feel this low
It's like I just took a blow
If only life wasn't slow

I hate that I have regrets
They can kill like cigarettes
My body can feel the threats

I hate when I act so dumb
Embarrassment leaves me numb
It's like I'm made of pure rum

I hate when I cannot think
It just makes me want to shrink
Then my heart will start to sink


I love all kinds of weather
It brings people together
Rain, shine, and even thunder
Can start to make me wonder
How much the weather changes
And where it always ranges

Monday, May 17, 2010


It feels good to have my socks on
They warm up my feet like the dawn
Soon these shivers will all be gone

I find myself at the freezer
Searching like I'm the great Caesar
The shivers were just a teaser

Delicious bon bons call my name
Now it is time to play their game
Falling in my mouth without shame

Five disappear from my white bowl
Savor every bite is the goal
Bon bons are good for every soul

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Drowning in this deep misery
My life will soon be history
To you I am a mystery

The main problem about feeling
Is that it's not all appealing
If only it could bring healing

It's like a state of depression
Which always becomes oppression
This I cannot help but question

There is more to do than worry
I wish you weren't in a hurry
Why is my vision so blurry?

I can't ever see all your flaws
When you have me trapped in your jaws
It is natural to break all laws

This type of anxiety hurts
From my brain only fire squirts
Then my alarm sends it's alerts

It's mental anguish at its worst
Give me something to quench my thirst
Stress like this must be for the cursed

Soon this season will start to end
Then my brain can finally mend
Never will I make this a trend

Saturday, May 8, 2010


There are two things that I have decided
Marrying a pastor is to dread
Religious schools are sadly misguided
Please don't think that my logic has fled
My ill opinions are not one sided

If a man is paid to love God and serve
How can that love and service be true?
I don't know how fake pastors have the nerve
To deceive a church without a clue
Some people never get what they deserve

Loving God should never be on reserve
It's an open devotion of love
Relationships with God are to preserve
The best things always come from above
Don't let this just be something you observe

Too many hypocrites are in the world
They are all like wolves in sheep's clothing
In this hurricane pastors have been twirled
Even though some pastors know the King
The wolves have arranged them to all be hurled

The main reason to why I still refuse
Is because I have peace when I do
Even though I may be singing the blues
My feelings will soon be done and through
If I do what's right, there's nothing to lose

There is one thing that I cannot deny
God's love is deeper than the ocean
He is there whenever we start to cry
Healing the wounds of our emotion
For all our many needs He will supply

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Both my eyes are different
One has more flesh
The other has less
They put me to the test

My eyelashes are weird
One side stands straight
The other isn't that great
It must be an odd trait

When you look too closely
Everything fails
Beware of details
They introduce sad tales

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I hate how much I love you
The words you say are not true
Your cheap love makes me feel blue

I want to tell you the truth
My heart aches more than my tooth
If only I could be couth

I think about you often
Your words can make me soften
They put me in a coffin

I have died on the inside
This heart of mine has been fried
It's time for you to decide

I would rather stay aloof
Watching from the nearest roof
If you love me show the proof

Saturday, May 1, 2010


No stranger to heartache
A friend of grief and sorrow
Rejection is well-known
You can throw the first stone

You would never guess this
Because I am quite content
All these things I embrace
Even the ill disgrace

People are all different
It does not matter to me
They can say what they want
I don't mind how they taunt

Life is such a sick game
We often look with disdain
Poking until they bleed
Heartache is a disease


My heart aches when you start to like me less
It reaches out only to fall again
Why does love have to be such a crude test?
Faith in such a folly is hideous
Scratch the thought of love off your fuzzy heart
Thoughts of love will only tear you apart
I am simply another bleeding heart


When I think of you
My heart slowly breaks
What you put me through
Is not what love makes

The thought of you hurts
Don't treat me this way
"Stop this!" my hearts blurts
Now what can you say?

This ache makes me sick
It's mixed, love and hate
A lonely picnic
Why is this my fate?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


To know good is to do it
That is how I try to live
It is time to spread some wit
Humor makes one come alive

Do not be a afraid to risk
Do the thing that scares you most
Stir up your life with a whisk
In the end you'll get a toast

Be sure not to give to gain
It may seem right but it bites
This is never worth the pain
Doing right will save you fights

Some things are simply destined
Embrace these things and move on
Don't ever feel like you're pinned
One day you will see the dawn

Sunday, April 11, 2010


It's like a mid-life crisis
There is no reason for this
It's the pain of sheer bliss

The feeling of it is queer
Nothing sensible seems clear
Now I must be sincere

It feels quite nice to get hurt
Spread more of the dreadful dirt
Nice acts are an alert

Being rejected feels good
I may not be understood
If only I once could

I want to shave my head bald
Then what would I now be called
Mean words can only scald

Please let me escape from life
No more of this pain and strife
Cut them out with a knife

Often I think about death
Somehow I still have my breath
Never will I use meth

Sudden desire for change
For things that are really strange
This mind is in derange

The simplest way is the best
Engrave this phrase in a crest
Clutter is a wild pest

Acting out of character
Time flies away like a blur
This too I must concur

Saturday, April 3, 2010


To love and not be loved
To love what cannot love you back
To cry over heartache
To realize it's a joke
To never be truly loved
To experience deep hurt
To always feel so alone
To prefer sullen solitude
To hate sleeping alone
To feel completely broken
To want what is nothing
To make of it more than it is
To entirely shut down
To move on
To truly love once again

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


There is one thing in the way,
Neglecting our frequent demands.
It's their fault we often say,
We feel nobody understands.
Feelings can lead us astray,
Especially when strife expands.

Tonight I was delighted,
The day was as bright as a star.
Then I spoke of myself with dread,
My foolish words left a scar.
At once my sick conscience bled,
Dripping with vomitous tar.

Trapped in my betraying skin,
I went off on another whim.
Hoping that this one would win,
Their faces only grew more grim.
Stop at once! I spoke within,
It is time to make this less dim.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Have you fallen in love yet?
the question is better kept.
Why should you ask like that,
bluntly like you were a rat.

Love is a sensitive subject,
it's not something to inspect.
A word or two incorrect,
could negatively affect.

Although you speak without harm,
you can't win me with your charm.
Desperation then alarm,
when you decide to disarm.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Standing in the middle
Of a crowd
Feeling completely alone

How can a person stand
In the middle
Of a crowd but feel alone

It starts in a second
You're friendless
There are some people you know

People that are different
They care about their own self

A small effort is made
To connect
The attempt was all in vain

People walk left and right
Not a word
A glance or two are like gold

There is only one out
Be the change
Act in the way others should

Walk slowly through the crowd
Smile brightly
Boldly boast a kind greeting

The difference you will make
Seems so small
Keep doing the little things

This person I have been
To be known and not be known

In the end it is greater
Than us all

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


People don't care what you know,
until they know why you care.

The problem occurs when you don't know why you care,
but you simply care so much your heart hurts.

How does one start to explain,
when there are no words for gain.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


There is a secret that I must share.
It may be a surprise or you may be aware.

Secrets are best kept hidden away.
When secrets leak out they come with dismay.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Lets call it a day,
it's been long and tiresome.
Nothing went my way,
selfishness is super dumb.

I should let it go,
but somehow bitterness flows.
People do not know,
when my hidden hatred grows.

Monday, February 22, 2010


Complaint, complaint, that is all I hear.
Don't do it even if it is out of fear.

Complaint, complaint, they are all the same.
In the end you're the one who gets the blame.

Complaint, complaint, lets write them all down.
We could make a book with a snobbish crown.

Complaint, complaint, embarrass yourself.
It just makes you a fool without wealth.

Complaint, complaint, you have no respect.
Your words have no meaning or decent affect.

Complaint, complaint, stop at this instance.
Be done with the lies and give truth a chance.


Some things stick and some things don't.
There are flowers and there are thorns.
People are nice and people are mean.
Life can be good and life can be bad.

People depend on other people for help.
They don't realize they are better alone.
Friends always come and friends often go.
In this world we are rarely in the know.

You say what you mean quite the opposite.
It is confusing and it is now predictable.
There is one thing there will be known.
We are all in this despite where we live.

Friday, February 19, 2010


I feel so tired but I can't even sleep.
My day was so weird and I can't hit delete.
I can't ever be around people for too long.
It makes me act weird and not get along.
When I'm like this I never have a good time.
I just want to leave but I sit and stay.
Next time I'll escape much more quickly.
You won't know the exact time when I left.
For when you notice I will be long gone.
There will be no time to begin to suggest.
Forget about me and I'll forget about you.
Too bad it can't be that easy for us to erase.
I don't want to forget when I've forgotten.
But now that it pains me I want all of nothing.
Go away bad memories, no not those memories.
Weird and awful anythings that come and go.
Sleep is what I need to survive another moment.
Good rest will take me out of this sweet misery.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Sleep deprivation is never sweet.
It makes me eat when I'd rather retreat.

Without good rest I always feel weak.
My organs ache and my life looks bleak.

Mindlessly I struggle to survive.
Something is giving me an unwanted drive.

Time goes on and I feel no better.
My taste buds are getting even wetter.

Food is never what they crave.
Sleep they demand and then they'll behave.

Too much to do with too little time.
That is the cause of my sleepless mime.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Annoying pious boys is what I do for fun.
Making them think I like them until I run.
They might have ponce but most are a bum.
Sometimes they think I'm far from a nun.
They are mistaken about me quite a ton.
When will I stop pretending and be done.
It becomes more like I am the one to shun.
Will there be a man that shines like the sun.
One who makes me laugh at most every pun.
Since I am not looking I have found none.
Maybe being annoying has been outdone.
Perhaps a new focus in life has now begun.
As with all things the past cannot be undone.
The race for change was started with a gun.
Don't stand and stare for you all have won.

Monday, February 15, 2010


Quiet days have gone away,
simple things will never stay.
Please promise and truly say,
that you will surely come today.

It has never been your style,
to stay longer than a short while.
You always can make me smile,
even during a hostile trial.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


The great imposer is quite the composer.
He writes his songs like Chinese bongs.
He sits in his tower like he’s filled with power.
There he waits to meet a foe he can openly beat.

The biggest inflicter has a sound predictor.
He waits for the imposer to give him a disposer.
He gives the penalty without thought to disagree.
There another victim lies in everyone's demise.

Friday, February 12, 2010


Once a week I take a shower,
the extra time gives me power.

Too many showers are a waste,
same with too much tooth paste.

Too much excess prevents success,
this is a situation you should assess.

Since it doesn’t make me smell,
everything goes mostly well.

The downside is a wicked prick,
because my hair decides to stick.

Hairspray buildup is the culprit,
if I only could make it all submit.

White spots form up in my hair,
they look like a dandruff affair.

They however are definitely not,
chemical reactions tied in a knot.

Slimy and oily my hair is a mess,
only my cats can I humbly impress.

The time I save is worth this craze,
this shower rebellion is just a phase.

Perhaps it might become a standard,
unless all at once I am slandered.

Then my odd shower routine may change,
it will no longer be considered strange.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


If the squeaking gets the oiling,
then why is their blood boiling.

They complain to the graveyard,
always they act like a retard.

More than is fair they receive,
it is they who plot and deceive.

Greed and lust lives in their heart,
making them farther and farther apart.

Not a thought towards another,
leaves them with only a brother.

Their friends have now abandoned,
without a thought in their head.

Gone like they wind they vanish,
making their memories also banish.

Cruel and thoughtless the live,
never giving a moment to give.

Selfish, arrogant and unruly,
they are malefactors most truly.

They squeak like a hateful bird,
their words are as a caustic curd.

Oil never stops their squeaking,
all the while they are seeking.

Quietly they search for an escape,
but their old life sticks like tape.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Leave your baggage at home,
lock it up inside a dome.

Never spread it out like butter,
don't even take the time to mutter.

Drop your worries and don't complain,
if you carry them you'll be a pain.

Secure the lock and lose the key,
now sit down and drink some tea.

Flavor it up and start to relax,
don't let your worries start to tax.

Forget about your old stinky baggage,
throw that binding key off the ledge.


My parents are quite fantastic,
They never do anything drastic.

They don't worry about the grades I get,
It never puts them in a terrible fit.

Then of course if I should fail,
great discourse would then avail.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Be discreet and like a lamb,
then all at once give a bam!

People will listen to your story,
now tell it with all your glory.


Be a stink among the roses,
stay at the door until it closes.

Part the water like good old Moses,
cover your ground like watering hoses.

Wait until everything clearly discloses,
don't snobs stick up their noses.


Never listen to what people say,
they just want you to get out of their way.

Of course there are few to hear,
but be careful what they put in your ear.

Advice is necessary for success,
sometimes it can be a bigger mess.

Discern and choose between ideas,
remember who decided when it ends.

Be responsible for your actions,
blaming other people never wins.

Be careful with what you say,
one day you could have to pay.

Words can be critical and vital,
negative words and make you mental.

Positive words can make you succeed,
even though you used to heed.

Break the heeding lull today,
acknowledge every warning and dismay.


Flowers are a charm,
men can use them to bring harm.

Give them to a girl,
they will surely make her heart swirl.

Petals are quite precious,
ripping them apart can make a mess.

Slowly flowers bloom,
then the wind sweeps them away like a broom.

Flowers are delightful,
they always touch a woman's soul.


Libraries were meant to be quiet,
no sound, peep, or evil tyrant.

Where I sit is loud and rude,
distractions put me in an ill mood.

Much work have I yet to do,
if only my loud enemies did too.


The stomach my body contains,
cannot stop giving me pains.

Everyday I sit and wait,
hoping my pain will soon abate.

Medicine only makes me worse,
in research my mind will immerse.

Ginger ale goes down so smooth,
maybe it will make the pain move.


A spider fell in to my tea.
He was minute and hard to see.

If I take another two sips.
Down my throat the spider slips.


The weight I carry is not obese.
My bones don't protrude with ease.

This makes the plump like me.
Their laziness is quite easy to see.

If I was not lazy I would not know.
My skin would be tight and glow.

Boys would like up for a look.
All I would give was a purity book.

The body is all men see clearly.
The heart is often left to be lonely.

Proportion is important to men.
Skinny is always better in bed.

Accept women for who they are.
Do not devalue them in a bar.

Eyes may attract, but they fade.
What matters is the time you wade.

Love is connect to everything.
Weighty people will love on a fling.

Hoping this will break their deep misery.
Only to be burdened by more hurt to carry.

Help people be content with their condition.
Be thankful for your given situation.

Monday, February 8, 2010


Eating makes my stomach ache.
My body wants the food in another place.

Starving in not healthy so I continue to eat.
Food must taste good but not be too sweet.

My cat is bulimic and very weak.
One day the nauseousness I feel may peak.

Overeating makes me require more sleep.
That is why food is not what I keep.

Food is not what I live or die for.
It makes me sick so I ask not for more.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Why is it that when I try to run from my fears, that I end up running into something that I fear even more.

Why is it that when I try to make justice and peace, my world becomes more unjust and less peaceful.

Why is it that when I try to be kind and friendly, that is the time when I meet the worst social devils.

Why is it that I can be so nice and so mean to the same person and visa-versa.

Why is it that when people flatter and compliment me, I don't want to hear it; but when they don't, I long to hear anything.

Why is it that fleeing from evil can end up leading you straight to a greater evil.

Why is it that the Christians act like heathens and the heathens live like Christians.

Why is it that everyone attacks the good in a way to defeat it, but leaves the bad alone.

Why is it that people prefer to bring someone down rather than to build them up.

Why is it that I can try so hard and accomplish nothing, but then not make any attempt at something and succeed.

Why is it that having a purpose is a good thing even though sometimes we believe they are impossible.

Why is it that the world is so corrupt and cruel, that people see meekness as weakness.

Why is it that in this world sin and evil reigns, but in the end they will be destroyed forever.

Why is it that your best friend can be your worst enemy when you least expect it.

Why is it that jealousy can ruin the lives of two people; the one who is jealous, and the one who is envied.

Why is it that doing the right thing is difficult and it receives the least reward, but doing the wrong thing is easy and generally accepted.

Why is it that the truth is tough to come by, and when we hear it, we don't easily want to believe it.

Why is it that pain can motivate and change a person, but usually after they taste the sting of pain.

Why is it that I seek perfection, but disapprove of people who are perfectionists and desire to make flaws.

Why is it that my reputation means so much to me, and that is the very thing that gets attacked.

Why is it that when people make assumptions, they trick their self into believing them.

Why is it that there are countless unanswered questions in the world when there are suitable people to answer them.

Why is it that people disrespect one another and then expect to be respected by those who the disrespected.

Why is it that healthy people die and sick people live; and that young children die and aging adults prosper.

Why is it that people believe that abortion is not wrong, and that they deny murder consciously.

Why is it that people lack knowledge and refuse to know anything that would alter their personal decisions.

Why is it that the uneducated mock and disregard the educated while the educated are drained from helping them.

Why is it that the conscience convicts a person, but it's not enough to change them.

Why is it that smart and perfect people cannot understand the suffering that the mentally feeble live with daily.

Why is it that the people who are falling apart appear to be the most put together.

Why is it that distractions are a bad thing, but they appear good when they are first introduced.

Why is it that a person can hate without a definite reason - can that impression of hate actually be hate.

Why is it that men can sleep around and defile a dozen women, but then expect to have a virgin wife be forever faithful to them.

Why is it that people can hate children and conscientiously forget that they were once a child years ago.

Why is it that I can see the answer so clearly, but be unable to make others understand my mind.

Why is it that I can know that people are jealous of me, and allow it to cripple my life.

Why is it that I am more comfortable with being rejected then accepted.

Why is it that I can defend something I'm fighting against because of the way my own people are making foolish judgments.

Why is it that people complain and worry when they should put their energy into solving the problem.

Why is it that people can be cunningly sarcastic without caring if it hurts or affects anyone.

Why is it that I know how to motivate people to do great things, but I struggle to get motivated.

Why is it that people expect so much or so little of a person depending on their perception of them.

Why is it that people stereotype the quiet person as bad, but they are actually the only ones who are quiet enough to listen.

Why is it that we can get ourselves into a bigger mess when we are trying to flee from an issue.

Why is it that when we need to be cheered up that people decide to bring us down even lower.

Why is it that the warmest person can have the coldest heart and shoulder and make use of both.

Why is it that I'm here to disappoint you and you are the ones who have been disappointing me.

Why is it that the mean people have the same face, but different bodies.

Why is it that we can see our problems in others, but not in ourselves.

Why is it that we say we love when we really hate.

Why is it that we show more kindness to people that are intolerable than to the people we find tolerable.

Why is it that a person can give up when they are so close to finishing.

Why is it that we can look and judge on the outside when the inside is what truly matters.

Why is it that we can flatter to control and manipulate people who are better than ourselves.

Why is it that we are utterly confused but express our confusion to others as truth.

Why is it that we believe our enemies and make them as friends.

Why is it that we allow people to concur and destroy wonderful things.

Why is it that we pollute the pure and regret being polluted.

Why is it that I find myself writing these questions when I already know the answers.

Why is it that I know the answers, but do not apply them.

Why is it that I brag and then feel a deep disgust for myself afterward.

Why is it that people always have to one-up you.

Why is it that we have trigger words and succumb to their irritation and affect.

Why is it that we have deep dark secrets and then openly share them.

Why is it that people believe me when I'm blatantly fibbing and then think I'm sarcastic when the truth is shared.

Why is it that people don't think and expect others to think for them.

Why is it that many seek to destroy what is good and build up what is bad.

Why is it that I can wear my best poker face when I'm actually crying inside.

Why is it that we can hold a grudge and refuse to let it go.

Why is it that we believe things that are bogus and that cannot possible occur.

Why is it that I cure my love obsessions with finding the fault of the ones I secretly adore.

Why is it that people always use the same set of compliments and are absent of variance.

Why is it that the person who understands me the most is not meant to be my lifelong partner.

Why is it that a person can inspire to aspire but still lack inspiration.

Why is it that people judge and criticize without full knowledge.

Why is it that we are judged more for our reaction to praise than to critique.

Why is it that many people live hopeless lives, but will not accept hope when it is offered to them.

Why is it that we all remember our tragedies but fall into them again and again.

Why is it that dreams are more interesting than life but rarely realistic.

Why is it that people lie and the lie that they didn't lie.

Why is it that people can become very depressed but enjoy their state of misery.

Why is it that we waste our lives making our lives shorter than they were meant to be.

Why is it that I break so many hearts without touching them.

Why is it that I like how new pain takes old and annoying pains away.

Why is it that some things that are minuscule hurt much more than gigantic things.