Thursday, June 17, 2010


Please don't think that all these poems are about you
It will make me miserable if you do
Sharing you this truth has been long overdue
Prepare yourself so that you don't become blue

The feelings that are felt when some poems are born
Are meant to be forgotten and viewed with scorn
Because they came from feeling very forlorn
Like a rip in my heart from a poisoned thorn

Some things are meant to be forgotten and die
These poems hold feelings that I cannot deny
There's no point to hide the truth from you and lie
You must be careful about what I imply

Start to think thoroughly before it's too late
My two favorite numbers are four and eight
In the end most everything does relate
Just be certain that we are all thinking straight

If you have any questions please ask me now
Disregard the time and think about the how
Contemplate what you plant and know what you plow
Perhaps one day I will take the marriage vow

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