Monday, March 21, 2011


Woke up with a swollen eye
It looks like it was from zit popping
Or like a big bug was biting

Woke up with a stiff neck
The muscles are clearly stressing
Now turning is not my thing

Woke up with a sore back
It's connected to my neck aching
Must be from some straining

Woke up with blurred vision
It must be from the eye swelling
All in the same morning

Monday, March 14, 2011


There is beauty in solitude
The wonders of peace and quiet
The silencing of abstract noise

There is healing in solitude
The time to think and ponder
The opportunity to forgive

There is sadness in solitude
The reality of being all alone
The lack of conversation

There is wisdom in solitude
The opportunity to be silent
The skill of learning to listen

There is purpose in solitude
The value of companionship
The treasure of hope

Thursday, March 10, 2011


The way you look at me is refreshing
Your quick gentle smile
Dark brown eyes
Smooth rich skin
Are external parts of who you are

The inside is still an open mystery
Your name unknown
Cheerful spirit
Hopeful outlook
It leaves me longing to know more

The way I am keeps us at a distance
Waiting for your move
Acting ignorant
Keeping quiet
It's always best for the man to initiate

The chance of an 'us' is impossible
Your slender body type
The situation
Being shy
It's best to forget and move on

Boxelder Bugs

Two boxelders in my hair
They are crawling everywhere
Up and down they scour the walls
Going up higher until one falls

Once one bit me on my hand
Now on the floor they all land
A flick with the pointer finger
Now no more of them linger


The way you treat me is absolutely frustrating
I am eternally bothered by your disrespect
Nothing will change my ill opinion of you

The only thing I get out of this friendship
Is the feeling of being used and mistreated
I will not tolerate your actions anymore

All you ever do is think of your little self
So full of it, you act like a fat filled king
You treat me like I'm your mom or pimp

Never again will this situation take place
You had three chances and now it's over
It would be a waste to try to win be back

No need to worry about this my friend
You won't notice even the slightest change
Perhaps you might think I've grown fonder